Wednesday 13 May 2015

How To Become a Successful Student

Every student wants to be successful, besides who doesn't? But schools seem to ask so much from students that they find success so vague and out of reach. Well, as the old maxim goes, every quality that a successful man has can be acquired by anyone, all that it takes is guts and perseverance.
One common problem of students is meeting deadline of their requirements. For some, writing essay and term papers is very challenging, impossible even. But with proper dedication and a competitive spirit, one can create a good quality of output. Others find it difficult to look for resources when making their term papers or writing their essay, especially when they have little or no knowledge at all about the subject matter. How then can students overcome these troubles?
First things first. Organizing your time correctly can help you meet deadlines and finish your work ahead of time. Making a list of priorities could help. Write down all the things that you need to do within a specific deadline and rank which comes first and how important are they. Be determined to follow the plan you made and not waste a single second of your time.
Ask help. If you find writing difficult, do not get so anxious and/or depressed. There are plenty of resources where you can get ideas and knowledge about what to write. One most effective way is browsing through archives and libraries, whether online or offices. They are of great help to everyone. They not only help you work with your assignment but also give you more knowledge about the world and gain much useful experiences. Asking help from more experienced people is also one great way of being successful. What books cannot teach you, people can. Often, we have questions whose answers cannot be found in books, but can only be taught by experience. But that doesn't mean you have to experience them; you do not have to touch the fire just so you know that it is hot. That is why other people do exist, so they can help you by sharing what they know.
Wanting to become successful is an innate attribute of man. Who cares if people would dub you as ambitious? The most important thing is for you to follow your dream. Success starts as soon as you work it out and keep working on it, despite failure. Keep in mind what Thomas Edison said: "I did not fail; I just found 1000 ways that won't work". So when you fail the first time, don't give up. Keep trying. Perseverance is the key to everyone's success.
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Surviving a Bad Graduate School Advisor

There are bad advisors in every institution of higher education in the world. Bad advisors cost students thousands of dollars, many months of unnecessary toil, and in too many cases, the graduate degree they are seeking. The EBD "degree" (Everything but the Dissertation) is frequently the result of bad advisement. Graduate students are abused by unscrupulous advisors, some of whom may be ignorant of their responsibilities toward the student, some who are deliberately abusive because graduate students represent an unwanted annoyance, or worse, advisors who enjoy the feeling of empowerment over another human being.
Red Flags
Students should be aware of red flags when choosing an advisor, such as:
1. A faculty member new to the department can make a bad advisor. He or
she is probably on a tenure track, meaning their work will be scrutinized by other members of the department and the college to which they belong.
I heard the following complaint typical of this red flag within the last month: "My department chair said Professor Smith was a rising star and had a lot of creative ideas. When I chose her and started my dissertation, she turned down the research topic I wanted to do and made me do her own. I am now doing my ninth revision of the proposal to do research, and she still keeps correcting practically every word I write." I have heard this complaint, or a similar one, for 30 years.
New faculty members may be more interested in making a good impression on their new colleagues than in moving a student through the process in an expeditious manner, and the result can be an endless round of corrections and additions to a thesis or dissertation as they try to turn out a perfect piece of work on their first try. Also, they may never have managed a graduate student, and lack the skills to do so. Advisors do not take a class in how to be an advisor. Consequently, they tend to put students through the same process they went through themselves, and it may not have been a good model.
2. "You can call me Bob." An advisor who insists that the student call them
by their first name is a red flag. This unfortunate behavior instantly puts the student at a disadvantage because forever afterward this artificial "friendship" prevents the student from speaking up, and may lead to all kinds of requests of the student that are not appropriate. The opposite is the advisor who acts like a king on a throne and forces the student to become a supplicant.
3. "Professor Jones is the finest researcher and scholar we have on the staff. He is supporting 10 graduate students, and is in demand as a speaker. It is an honor to be his student because he can really help you professionally." This recommendation by a helpful faculty member is a red flag. An advisor who has a string of publications on their record and several research projects may look good on paper, but they do not necessarily make good advisors because graduate students can at the bottom of their priorities. They have little time to spare, are almost never in their offices, every meeting is hurried, and their trips to conferences and meetings can keep a student from making deadlines.
4. An advisor who fails to apprise a student of 1) the ground rules of the
departmental graduate or graduate school processes, or 2) the ground rules of their personal process for moving a student through research and writing a thesis or dissertation. The omission of information lays traps students. This particular red flag is hard to detect before it is too late, so the student should study the thesis and dissertation process of both the university and their department as if it were another class. There are several books about the process available on, particularly "Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation" by Glatthorn and Joyner.
The Rules
The unspoken rules of the graduate process keep students blind from the beginning. First, the chain of command is never explained. When in graduate school the Dean of the graduate school is the Dean presiding over the graduate student, not the Dean of the college. This arrangement is one of the checks and balances in place to protect graduate students from abuse. The position of graduate Dean is often a part-time appointment in addition to a regular faculty role. Consequently, the graduate school Editor, or an Assistant Dean are charged with the responsibility for solving student problems, and bringing those they cannot solve to the Dean's attention.
When I was a graduate school editor I had the lofty title of Research and Writing Coordinator, but I was just an editor. Because there was no Assistant Dean, I was usually the first person to hear about abuse of a student. Only twice in 12 years was it too late to salvage the situation with the help of the Dean. Often, it was a matter of teaching the student to "manage upward," as I called it, which I will discuss later in this article.
Second, a department must prove it is a viable asset to the university. In large part, departmental value to the university is based upon how many students they graduate per year. For instance, if a philosophy department only graduates one or two students a year, the department may be eliminated through programmatic reduction, including all faculty, tenured or not.
The university adds up the cost of the space a department occupies, the overhead to maintain that space, the cost of journal subscriptions for the library ordered by the department (that can cost a small fortune), classroom space, and all other costs of maintaining a degree-granting department. If the department cannot justify the expense of maintaining the program, it is in danger of being eliminated. This is one reason departments write research grants. A large percentage of grant money is given to the university for "overhead," some is used to support the research project, and some supports graduate students.
One would think advisors would be cognizant that the very existence of their department is on the line when they abuse students to the degree that they never graduate.
Bad Behavior in the Ranks
Choosing an advisor should be easy after a student has taken a few classes from each member of the department, but it is not. A "nice" instructor may be the worst advisor in the department. A bad advisor has one or more of the following characteristics after they accept a student for advisement:
1. They treat graduate students like servants, asking them to sweep floors, stock
shelves, run errands, and do other tasks more appropriately assigned to a secretary or a paid assistant, and may ask a student to help out in their personal life by grocery shopping, cleaning the pool, or taking a car in for service. One student I counseled, in addition to all of the above, was cleaning up dog scat from his advisor's back yard every day.
2. They take credit for student work, publishing papers under their own
name, talking about discoveries in meetings as if they were their own, and may go so far as to flunk the student out and then publish on the research the student generated. I know of two cases where the graduate student shot the advisor between the eyes for this last scurrilous behavior.
In another instance, the advisor of one student I counseled, together with two of the committee members, destroyed all of the student's notes from which the dissertation was to be written, destroyed (or hid) the mutant strain of fruit flies that the student had developed, and threw away all of the student's possessions, claiming that they thought this abrasive, but brilliant student, had left for good when he had only gone on vacation. The research represented a breakthrough in cancer research. In this case, the graduate dean signed the three-page dissertation himself as a committee of one, and the three faculty members were fired.
3. They do not define the graduate process for students by
withholding information, such as the need for approval to use of human subjects, which is a Federal law, the need to submit only letter-perfect complete drafts for approval (there is no such thing as a "rough" draft in graduate school), graduate school editorial requirements, deadlines, or other information critical for continuous forward progress. "They're supposed to be adults. They should find out these things for themselves," several advisors have told me. Nonsense. This bad behavior is entrapment.
4. They deliberately delay giving a draft back in a timely manner until the student is obliged to register for another semester. This behavior is particularly prevalent in online universities, many of whom are more interested in money than they are in granting degrees to students. I know of seven students from four different online institutions who will never graduate because after three or more years of working on their dissertations they have run out of money for additional semester hours. "Register for just one more semester and we will finish up," is what students are told. There are no checks and balances in online universities to stop advisor abuse. In at least one case, it is the online institution that is abusive.
5. They riddle draft after draft with hundreds of corrections again and again.
These advisors frequently correct their own corrections. These advisors want the thesis or dissertation to sound like they wrote it themselves, and will endlessly correct language in the belief that they are making necessary changes.
6. They read a few token pages of a draft, find a few things wrong, and send the draft back for a complete revision, giving the student the unhelpful comment "Continue as shown." If the student could read the advisor's mind, this would be reasonable advice. If the student knew what the advisor wanted, it would have been done right the first time.
7. They demand that the student copy the exact format of the last several theses
or dissertations the advisor chaired, whether it suits the content or not. This behavior has one of two possible causes. Either the advisor is arrogant and egotistical and thinks his format is perfect, or the advisor is afraid to depart from a format with which he or she is familiar. In fact, I read a dissertation that had only 5 pages of text - and 50 pages of pictures of the wings of dragonflies. The dissertation represented four years of research. There is no "perfect" thesis or dissertation.
8. They allow students to propose such a huge research project that it will take
years, and/or thousands of dollars, to collect the data. Such students usually quit because they run out of money, or time, and become EBDs. One student I recently counseled had been allowed to propose collecting data by conducting personal interviews from over 1,000 elementary school teachers, one at a time. She would never have completed this task before her tenure in graduate school was terminated. Another last year was going to survey a giant sample of people scattered across the entire U.S. for a thesis. First, such a project for a thesis was inappropriate, and second, it would have taken years.
9. They do not have the courage to tell the student that they should drop out
of graduate school because they are not doing graduate level work. When I was
the graduate school editor I read an appalling dissertation from a very nice student. She had an advisor and three committee members. One committee member said he would "never" sign her dissertation after the oral defense, and she had come to complain about it. Her committee member was right. The dissertation looked like the work of a seventh-grade student. I wondered how she had gotten so far in higher education, and why she had not been stopped sooner by her advisor or the other committee members. Apparently, only one committee member had the courage to refuse her dissertation. She sued the university, but she did not get her doctor's degree
There are other bad behaviors not listed here. The sign that a student has a bad advisor is when deadlines are missed, forward progress is attenuated, and no end is in sight. Becoming a victim of the Stockholm syndrome should not be the only way to get a degree.
The Cost of a Bad Advisor
Count the cost of a bad advisor. By the time a student gets to the thesis or dissertation "proposal to do research," they have already paid 2-3 years of tuition, books and fees, and more expense looms ahead for an indefinite period of time. They have lived in places that may have been less than desirable. They have lost wages they could have had if they had not been geographically tied to the degree-granting university and unable to seek the best paying job elsewhere. They have lost 2-3 years of life when they could have been doing something more enjoyable and less costly in time and money, which is why graduate students become doormats for bad advisors. They are afraid their entire investment will be lost if they protest their treatment.
If your advisor has any one of the nine above described characteristics or others that are impeding your forward progress you need to seek help. It only takes one bad behavior on the part of an advisor to make your graduate experience a nightmare. There are several Websites that specialize in assisting students from the time they choose a research topic to the end of the oral defense, or contact the author of this article.
Manage Upward
People think of the word "manage" as downward actions people execute who are responsible for subordinates and programs. The key to surviving a bad advisor, or later, a bad boss, is to develop the skills to manage upward. Manage the manager.
Following are some tips for surviving a bad advisor.
1. Graduate school is professional school, and students should act like
the professionals they hope to be from the first day they set foot in the department. That means dressing well, keeping an appropriate social distance from members of the faculty, and keeping the majority of their personal life to themselves.
Students should choose an advisor as carefully as choosing a partner in life. The student should interview graduate students a year or two ahead in the program, or better, some who have graduated who had the same prospective advisor. Those who are still in the department may not want to say anything negative about their advisor because their own degrees might be threatened if negative remarks got back to their advisor. Some departments assign an advisor in an effort to level the work load, and the student has no choice. The bad advisors get the same number of students as everyone else, and they can hide in the numbers.
Before making a choice students should go to the library and find the last two or three theses or dissertations a prospective advisor has chaired and look at the format, the depth of the statistical analysis, the length of the review of literature, and the intensity of the detail. This should be done by every graduate student. Advisors tend to repeat themselves student after student.
2. If a student has an advisor with any one of the bad behaviors listed previously,
or another behavior that is delaying forward progress, the student should seek help immediately. Following are three Websites that specialize in assisting graduate students, or contact this author for a reference.
A. features consultants who have experience assisting students throughout the thesis or dissertation process including advisement about 1) choosing a research topic, and 2) writing the proposal to do research. In addition, consultants will edit all that the student writes. These consultants can also prepare the student for the defense.
B. lists consultants who are experts at applying the APA style
guide to theses, dissertations, journal articles, term papers, and other manuscripts that require the application of this highly specialized style. Consultants will correct citations, bibliographic references, figures and tables, as well as grammar, academic style, and word usage.
C. lists consultants who can, among many other things, 1)
develop testable hypotheses, 2) determine dependent and independent variables, 3) design surveys, 4) interpret results and formulate conclusions, and 5) verify the accuracy of your technical writing.
3. Manage upward. Keep an advisor informed constantly. Send him or her
emails on a regular basis, and keep it up the entire time the thesis or dissertation is in process. Advisors like to know students are working hard and should be impressed with your enthusiasm and dedication, real or not. When a deadline approaches, remind the advisor 4 weeks in advance, and again 2 weeks before the deadline occurs.
4. Put a box somewhere at home and keep every scrap of paper pertaining to your graduate degree program. In particular, keep a CD copy or a hard copy of every corrected manuscript the advisor hands back. Keep all emails from the advisor. These records are for the graduate Dean if needed.
5. Keep track of how many weeks or months of work have gone into the proposal
to do research, and the thesis or dissertation as a whole. The average thesis project beginning to end should not take more than one semester. The average dissertation should not take more than two semesters.
6. If your advisor assigns tasks that are outside the thesis or dissertation process, or are personal in nature, refuse politely. Students pay semester hours to work on their graduate degrees, and nothing else.
7. If your advisor fails to acquaint you with
1) the thesis or dissertation process, including deadlines,
2) the need for approval for use of human subjects and what committee makes those recommendations,
3) graduate school editorial requirements, or
4) any other organizational requirements that must be met before graduating, you should track down all the information. Then put it all in an email to your advisor asking for confirmation so it is on the record.
8. If your advisor delays handing a draft back because he or she was "too busy" to read it, and it forces you to register for another semester, send an email noting the additional expense of time and money, as well as the length of time the draft has not been returned. A reasonable amount of time for an advisor to hand work back is 2 weeks. When the draft does come back, if it has been more than 2 weeks, send an email to noting the number of days it has taken to return the work.
9. If your advisor riddles your work with hundreds of corrections, hire an editor to help. Never, ever, tell an advisor that an editor has been hired. Human nature will cause the advisor to find fault with the editor to prove his or her superiority. Instead, send the advisor a series of emails noting how much hard work you are doing, mention the major changes in the document, and note approaching deadlines. Note that the finest editor in the world cannot stop an advisor from making changes, but an editor can improve the professionalism and correctness of your work.
10. If your advisor only reads a few pages, then tells you to continue through the rest of the draft with similar corrections, send it back and tell the advisor the directions were not clear and to please clarify what changes should be made in the rest of the manuscript. It does no good to be a doormat and allow an advisor to behave badly. If your email is met with further comments about following his or her directions, or there is a long delay with no word from the advisor, call and make an appointment, then present all the pages that had no corrections on them and ask how you can improve them. At this point you may need to bring a tape recorder to your meetings with your advisor.
11. If you reach the point where you are certain your advisor is not acting in your best interests, gather all your evidence together and go see the Editor or an assistant Dean of the graduate school. In writing, request a change of advisor. In all probability, your request will be denied, but you will have activated the chain of command. Someone from the graduate Dean's office will call either the Dean of the college where you are a student, or the department head, and ask about the complaint. That person will then call your advisor and ask for comment. Good graduate Deans will monitor your progress.
If you have been polite and professional from the first day of work with your advisor, you have nothing to fear. If your department head believes that there can be no amicable resolution to the problem, he or she can appoint one of the members of your committee to the role of advisor. Remember that there are inner-departmental rivalries and friendships among faculty that you know nothing about, and you may step into fresh trouble. However, the graduate Dean will be monitoring the problem, and you can return to that office again if the situation does not improve.
A Special Note about Online Institutions
Problems with advisors at online institutions are extremely difficult to manage. Advisors commonly work for online institutions on a part-time basis. In fact, many online institutions require an advisor to have a full-time job elsewhere. Many such institutions are more interested in obtaining continuing semester tuition than they are in graduating students. There are no checks and balances in online institutions to help a student in trouble with an advisor. Nevertheless, a good editor can help students present a more professional and thorough thesis or dissertation that is technically perfect, which often solves some of the problem.
This short article cannot encompass all the troubles that can occur between a graduate student and a bad advisor, nor can the writer anticipate what might be the best course of action in a given situation. The best advice for a student is to hire a professional editor who deals with graduate students on a regular basis, has sat on graduate committees, and can help make the best of a bad situation.
Dr. Barbara von Diether was a consultant for 12 years for a range of Fortune 500 organizations, as well as many government agencies. She was Dean in higher education. She has a Doctor's degree in education administration, a Master's degree in educational technology, and a security clearance. As a consultant for defense industry competitive bid proposals, the companies she assisted won $16 billion in contracts. Currently, she provides editorial services and advisement over the Internet for
1) company and government agency projects,
2) people who are writing non-fiction and fiction books, and
3) students writing theses and dissertations.
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Marketing Research & Elements of Marketing Research

Marketing research "The systematic gathering, recording and analyzing data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services".
Market research on the other hand, is only a part of marketing research that covers a few of aspects of marketing. It is only the sub function of marketing research 'some companies use "market research" for describing research into markets the size geographical distribution incomes, and so on. However it fails to cover the idea of research into the effects of marketing efforts on markets, for which the term marketing research is the accurate. Elements of marketing research.
1. Market Research. It covers the aspects regarding size and nature of the market including export markets dividing the consumers in terms, of their age, sex, income (market segmentation), economic aspects of marketing etc.
2. Sales Research. This relates to the problem regional variations in sales fixing sales territories, measurement of the effectiveness of salesman, evaluation of sales methods and incentives, etc.
3. Product Research. This relates to the analysis of strengths and or weakness of existing product testing problems relating to diversification, simplification, trading up and trading down (all product line decisions), etc.
4. Packaging Research. In essence, it is a part of product research. But the recent development in packaging and its contribution in the advertising made it to occupy an independent position. This necessitates a separate study concerning the aspects of package to know its impact and response in the market.
5. Advertising Research. It undertakes a study relating to the preparation of advertisement copy (copy research), media to be used (media research) and measurement of advertising effectiveness.
6. Business Economic Research. Problems relating to input output analysis, forecasting, price and profit analysis, and preparation of break -even charts are the main fields of the research.
7. Export Marketing Research. This research is intended to study the export potentials of the product. In such cases any or all kinds of research mentioned above become necessary.
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Re-Examining the Need For Using Technology in Instruction

The implementation of technology into classroom instruction has been a major focus in California public schools for several years. Prospective teachers in credential programs across the state are drilled as to the importance of exposing students to the technology tools available to access important data and information to use in their academic and professional life. Given the recent explosion of computer and cellular technology, such a focus is logical and well-reasoned. To be sure, current and future students will have to stay abreast of the ever-changing world of technology should they hope to stay competitive with their peers both in the classroom and in the boardroom. But, as with the case of many well-intentioned educational goals, this objective is one that looks much better on paper than it does in reality.
While its hard to argue that students need to be able to learn how to use technology to ease the accessibility of information and knowledge, I wonder how much the average classroom teacher can teach students much that they already don't know. High School Students today now use technology several times a day, the vast majority of which view their iPod or iPhone as an appendage rather than a non-living device. A good deal of students not only use computers and related devices-they are quite masterful at doing so. They complete homework faster than ever and know where to look for getting just enough information to complete an assignment They also know the quickest ways to do something truly "valuable," such as how to illegally download music without being caught and which proxies are the best to bypass the security firewall on the school's network.
I wonder then, how much can the average teacher teach THEM about technology? And, will the students really get anything new out of using it-other than a slight, temporary relief from their boring teacher? Another problem is in the very nature of most internet or technology based lesson plans, as virtually all are by nature are designed for the student to research and collect parts of information to arrive at a conclusion of sorts. The problem is that the majority of today's high school students have one thought when receiving an assignment-"What is the fastest, shortest way to the correct answer?" With students bypassing much of the investigatory "fact finding" elements of the assignment, little to nothing is gained and the time is wasted.
Virtually all students now have adequate tech skills. Further, many use them to engage in academic dishonesty. I regularly catch several students each year submitting cut and paste essay papers, and a good number more in the "pocket iPhone" attempt of accessing online information during a test. The alarming thing is that many students do not see the harm in plagiarism-especially if it is using cut and paste "just a little" when writing a paper.
Again, it is not my intent to argue the importance of students gaining high tech skills. Rather, my point is that most students already have more than enough, and are rather unlikely to gain much more from a teacher who did not grow up as part of Generation Text (I just made that up). Actually, I would like to see more emphasis on students learning how to complete their work while NOT using technology. Here is a concept. How about we keep the technology focus, but include standards regarding the traditional research and academic work? As I remind my students, there was a time without the internet, when people went to a place called the library. No, it wasn't like the library where you go to use the computers. No, back then, the library was a mystical place that had these strange, cumbersome objects that people used to find the info needed to complete term papers. Yes, these great devices were made of paper, and didn't require batteries or electricity, and were wireless. The main problem, though, is that they required actual effort to use them!
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A paper writing service can help save time when trying to meet various deadlines. Students who grasp the basic concept of a class but don't have the time to write a research report or essay can use a copywriting service to get the job done efficiently. Essay service companies stay up to date with formats and popular topics.
While essays are commonly provided by writing service companies, other papers include:
  • Term papers
  • Research papers
  • Case studies
  • Book reports
  • Speeches
  • Dissertations
  • Theses
  • Bibliographies
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Paper Writing Service Basics
Online services utilize a questionnaire that asks pertinent questions about the paper needed. Buyers can relay the type of paper, topic, the number of pages and words, the timeframe, and the citations needed. The paper writing service will assign the paper to a professional writer who writes the paper within the given parameters.
In some cases, a buyer can pay extra to select a specific writer or choose a writer with higher credentials. There may also be an option to upload files, such as specific resource materials, through the questionnaire form. The writer will upload the file, and it will be sent to the email address on file for the buyer.
Students utilizing a copywriting service need to be aware of a few things before hiring a service. Any service with extremely low rates may be outsourcing the work to people with poor writing skills who write for pennies a paper. The writing service should also have a guarantee that all work is original and unique from other content.
Why Use a Writing Service?
Having a paper written for you can help save time and improve academic performance. It can also help poor writers from being penalized for their writing skills, even if they understand the class materials. Students using this service can trust that the paper will reflect highly on their grasp of concepts and help them achieve academic success.
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Help Me Choose a Computer - Should I Get a Laptop or a Desktop?

In the vast spread of technology nowadays, we cannot deny the fact that personal computers became one of the most important things that one should posses. It has become a necessity for some due to the benefits that we can get from it. And with the fast-phased innovations from computer manufacturers, we are now bombarded with tons of computer variations. How cool it may sound, we users are till living practically. With tons of offers these manufacturers can give, we come up with a huge problem; what to buy, a desktop or a laptop?
So here are some helpful comparisons between the two computer variations.
Desktops are widely used personally at home and here are its edges compared to a laptop. It is flexible since its hardware and circuits are not as compact like what we have in laptops, meaning if one part of your hardware (e.g. the hard disk) wears out you can still have a chance to replace it. In that way you won't spend too much cash since you just had a replacement. Desktops are also upgradable in a sense that we can replace a certain part in your system (e.g. video cards) if you need a better one or an advanced version. Desktops are also recommended for heavy duty users such as gamers or programmers, since they are durable and can withstand hours of usage without rest.
Laptops on the other hand are most likely used by people who have an outgoing lifestyle. These wireless machines are portable that you can bring them where ever and when even you need them. Like a desktop you can also change some parts of your laptop but since its hardware construction and circuits are too intact with each other it would be really hard to do it and it's quite expensive. You might as well buy a new laptop when ever you feel it's broken or you feel that you need a new one. With that same reason, laptops are more delicate than desktops so it is recommended that these portable machines are just for light usage, such as preparing a business presentation or a typical school term paper.
To sum it all up, both of these computer variation can be a helpful tool. The best advice would be, choose a personal computer that would suit best in your kind of lifestyle. If you need a computer where ever you go then go for a handy dandy laptop, but if you think you'll need a heavy duty computer then go for a desktop.
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A Brief and To-The-Point Discourse on Academic Plagiarism As a Transgression

Scholastically, plagiarism practices of students have been studied and analyzed in various ways at both school and university levels. Though each of the world's most prestigious universities hold diverse opinions, they converge at a point where they all agree to the fact that plagiarism of any kind is a serious violation of ethics. The practitioner, thereof, can be subjected to copyright infringement and other penalizing sanctions.
Plagiarism as Differently Comprehended Around the World
Plagiarism has been clearly defined variously based on different sets of rules, understandings and penalties. Here are some outlines of how plagiarism is practiced worldwide.
⇒ Use of content without giving due credit or acknowledgment to the author. Such content can be anything from formulas to writing, strategies to language, or even ideas.
⇒ Use of source without citation or attribution of the same in its exact or closely paraphrased
⇒ Deliberate replication of others thoughts and ideas without obtaining a letter of approval or permission from the owner
⇒ Duplication of phraseologies that are developed by another without giving them the due credit.
⇒ Extraction of materials from a bank of content and publishing them verbatim.
Sanctions for Academic Plagiarism
Students adopting the practice of pirating content from other sources are made to stand at the receiving end of censure, and are often expelled from the concerned institution. The penalties generally vary, depending on the kind of plagiarism they have practiced. Punishments can range from detention to suspension to expulsion, depending on the gravity of the matter. Other organizations penalize the offenders with a plagiarism tariff to ensure standardization of the issue.
Self-Plagiarism: A Queer Kind
However, plagiarism is not always doubling of others' work and presenting them as their own. Reuse of content that is either exactly similar or nearly identical to your own is also considered plagiarism.
Officially referred to as 'recycling fraudulence', it is treated as an academic offense when parts from an original scholarly article are recycled without citing the same. Multiple publications clearly make an issue of copyright violation since an existing work is duplicated into separate entities without seeking allowance from the concerned university. However, the regulation gets nullified when it comes to texts written on public interest, as published in newspapers and journals.
Students can avoid facing such issues by simply citing the previous publication which will make it obvious that the text is republished.
Plagiarism Checkers at Your Rescue
In order to avoid unwanted issues concerning duplicating offenses, you can turn to online plagiarism checkers. There are innumerable dedicated sites online that offer to check academic works for copied and near-copied texts. Some are free while others offer paid services. Get your content checked today before you publish them on your university network in order to be fully assured of its originality. There is no alternative for precaution.
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How Do Professors Check For Plagiarism in Essays and Term Papers?

How do professors check for plagiarism in essays and dissertations?
With the expansion of the internet and access to information, the opportunities for students to plagiarize are forever increasing. There is just so much information available on that big wide web nowadays that anyone can find almost anything they need on the internet, and that includes entire essays on examination or coursework titles. Practically, all a student needs to do in this day and age is type the key words or indeed their entire essay question into a web-based search engine, and at the click of a button they can locate a pre-written essay that responds beautifully to the assignment question they have been set.
It all sounds like a bit of a nightmare for parents who are trying to ensure that their children learn how to research and write strong academic papers, and of course it causes chaos for teachers who are finding it harder and harder to judge whether or not someone's written essay response is their own work or whether it has been stolen from some other source on the internet.
So how do teachers and academic professors get over this concern? How can they identify when a student's dissertation, coursework, thesis or essay is their own work and when it has been copied from some other source? Easy - via the internet!
Yes, whilst the internet might be a fantastic resource for any student looking to plagiarize information in order to create the perfect essay response, it is also the place to head to if you are a teacher seeking clarification as to who owns a specific idea, sentence or paragraph. Teachers and professors need to check that both a student's ideas and their words are their own - and the internet can help them in this quest.
There are a number of different plagiarism checkers available online. These easy to use pieces of software enable teachers to input in sentences from their student's essays and to find out if an identical or similar sentence exists anywhere else on the World Wide Web. So, how do these software programmes work?
It is really all very simple.
- Teachers and professors enter one or more sentence(s) from their student's essay paper into a search box
- They then click a 'search' button
- The chosen software checker will make some initial assessments about the text entered. For example it will automatically eliminate any sentences that are less than 6 words in length.
- The software will then link teachers across to a search engine website where all instances of the sentence input into the search box appears on websites. These sites can then be checked and if it is obvious that the student has copied content from these websites, appropriate action can be taken.
Term papers writing
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